Inability to pay

If you have previously contested your citation and are unable to pay the fine amount required to further contest your citation (request a hearing) you must supply the issuing agency with satisfactory proof of your inability to pay the amount due by submitting the following:

  1. An itemized monthly income and expense statement
  2. A copy of a current signed IRS tax filing
  3. A signed written statement that the information provided is true and correct
  4. Sufficient proof of Federal or State Aid
  5. A request to waive the fine so you can further contest the citation
  6. Mail your request to:
    Adjudication Processing
    City of Anaheim
    P o Box 61039
    Anaheim, CA 92803-6139

 Note: Documents submitted will not be returned.

This information must be submitted within 21 calendar days of the date of your Initial Review Letter. If your proof of inability to pay is accepted, a hearing will be scheduled and you will be notified by mail.

If you are subsequently found liable at the hearing, the total amount of the parking citation must be paid.


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